I’ve heard this phrase a lot but never really understood it until I had a senior explain it to me. He could’ve been wrong; the man was riding down a Molly when I met him.
I have short hair; girls have long hair. Why? I’m expected to grow facial and body hair, and women are expected to be shaven. Why?
I can actually end the blog right here. Lol
A construct is a set of arbitrary rules. Math is a construct based off of certain universally accepted mathematical axioms.
A social construct is one defined by society’s expectations. “How to be a certain gender” happens to be one of them. Gender is a biological term assigned to a person based on their DNA, but being a boy doesn’t mean you need to cut your hair short, nor does it automatically mean that you’ll need to be the breadwinner of the family. That’s what society expects of you; it’s just a derivative of the social construct.
A growing majority of the world is agitated. And when agitated people mobilise to seek answers, they usually try poking at these constructs. The French Revolution, the Rise of Communism in Russia, the Indian Nationalist Movement, and so many more come to mind; of course, these were targeted at social constructs that deprived populations of what we now consider basic rights.
Woke culture is a similarly agitated crowd, which, with the twist of the 21st century, has mostly mobilised online and has made it its mission to attack the social construct of being a specific gender. Thus, the phrase, Gender is a social construct.
It is horrendously misleading and bubbling to the brim with misinformation.
Do I know enough of the truth to comment on it? Nope. But I will.
In the future. Byeeee