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headless saint

Hi. I'm Dheeraj
And I'm jotting down stuff I find interesting

spongebob looking spongebob shirt

WHO AM I ? 🤺

My name is Dheeraj Kumar, and this blog is something I've always wanted to do.

Am I someone worth subscribing to? No, not yet. Mostly because I can't figure out how to onboard subscribers. 

This site is filled with thoughts I wish to share with the world. I might write a book or start a YT channel, but for now, it's just this. A small, quaint and personal blog. 

So what are you in for? Everything I find interesting; maths, business, electronics, philosophy, theology, pedagogy, how I'm choosing to live, intrusive thoughts and something random every Tuesday (not true, but I needed to end the sentence)


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Hit Me Up :) 

For the truly hardcores --> +91 9940057362 (I'll pick, I swear)

Many thanks stranger :)

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